Dr. Rubin’s B.A.(B.S.)/OD Program List

To further help you on your journey to Optometry School, I have created the following list of programs for your reference. This list is accurate as of August 2024. These programs are listed alphabetically by Optometry School Name - not College Name. These programs are for high school students - not college students. 

Optometrists are health care professionals who typically provide comprehensive primary eye care. They typically refract eyes and prescribe corrective treatment. Their scope of practice is defined by state law and may include prescription of corrective glasses , contacts, medications, minor surgery of the eyelids and laser surgery of the eye.

There are 23 Colleges of Optometry in the US. Most require a bachelor's degree to be enrolled. Many will accept students with 3 years of college as long as the student has met the prerequisites before attending. These colleges allow you to apply as a college junior and some will award you a bachelor degree when you complete your first year. Here is my list of schools that allow students to apply from high school.

Good Luck with your search,

Dr. Rubin


Dr Rubin's Direct Optometry School Programs List

Contact DrRubin@MiniMedicslSchool.com if you find a program not listed.

Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University

7-year conditional program with college students at Ferris State.

Midwestern University - Chicago College of Optometry

Dual Acceptance Program - track 1 - before college acceptance

Dual Acceptance Program - track 2 after college acceptance

New England College of Optometry

7-year conditional acceptance program with a partner college

Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry

Dual Admission Program 3+4 and 4+4

Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University

7/8 year accelerated scholars and conditional programs for PCO and several affiliated universities.

State University of New York College of Optometry

7-year conditional acceptance program with 24 colleges and universities in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania for highly qualified students whereby students may complete a joint BS or BA degree and OD degree in just seven years.

The Ohio State University College of Optometry program with Penn State Behrend

7-year conditional acceptance program

Please contact Dr. Rubin at DrRubin@MiniMedicalSchool.com  if you know of any missing program. *• List was posted August 2024