Dr. Rubin’s B.A.(B.S.)-M.D. Program List - Updated  on 8/4/24

It has been 40 years since I graduated from medical school. Time does fly by fast. When I applied to college, I was unaware of any BS/MD programs. When my children graduated high school there were several. I find the list has changes yearly. Some years there were more and some years there has been less. However, I sense a trend over the last 5 years. Perhaps the pandemic has something to do with this new trend. Schools are moving away from high school programs. More and more schools offer an entry point from college, either as a freshman, sophomore, or junior. Some schools offer programs from both high school and college. In response to this trend, as of August 2023, I provide 2 lists: early entry from high school or college. Keep in mind that most programs that will accept students early from college are not open to any student, rather, they will accept students who have attended specific colleges. This is a good option for students in high school who are not sure of their career choice or students who were not successful with a direct program. These programs are listed alphabetically by Medical School Name - not by college. These programs vary yearly, and there is no common or central application service. If you want to apply, you need to consult the specific school's website and their admissions office.  Please note that some programs have state residency requirements. Few accept foreign students but several will accept Canadians. If interested, click each link to learn about the specific program. A link may not work if the school has changed its site. Please email me if you find a bad link or if you know of a school that is not listed.

Good Luck with your search,

Dr. Rubin


Dr. Rubin's BA(BS)/MD Direct Programs List
Apply from High School Senior Year

Please email DrRubin@MiniMedicalSchool.com if you know of a program not included on this list or if you find a bad link.

Albany Medical College

    8-year MS/MBA Leadership in Medical Management at Union College, NY

    8-year Program in Science, Humanities, and Medicine at Siena College, NY

    7-year Accelerated Physician-Scientist Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY

Augusta University - Medical College of Georgia

    7-year professional scholars program

Baylor College of Medicine

     8-year Baylor 2 Medical Program with Baylor University

Boston University School of Medicine

     Early Medical School Selection Program with 14 institutions and 10 historically minority schools.

Brown University Warren Alpert School of Medicine

     8-year Program in Liberal Medical Education

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

     8 year Pre–Professional Medical Scholars Program

City College of New York School of Medicine

     7-year integrated medicine program

Drexel University College of Medicine

     8-year early assurance program for high school seniors

Florida Atlantic University

    7/8 year BA/MD program

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

     7 year BA/MD program at GWU

Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University

    7-year Joint Bachelor’s/M.D. Program - 4 years college and 3 years Med School

Hofstra North Shore-Long Island Jewish School of Medicine at Hofstra University

     8 Year 4+4 B.S.-B.A./ M.D. Program at Hofstra University

Howard University College of Medicine

     6-year BS/MD Accelerated Medical Education Program

Indiana University School of Medicine

    8-year Rural Health program with Indiana State University - Indiana Residents only

    7/8 year B/MD program with University of Evansville

    8-year B/MD program with the University of Southern Indiana

Marshall University - Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine

    BS/MD program for West Virginia Students

Mercer University School of Medicine

    Special Consideration Program (SCP): Pre-Medicine Track Georgia Residents Only

Meharry Medical College

    7/8 year BS/MD program for African American students through a linkage agreement with a long list of HBCUs.

New York Medical College - a member of Touro University

    Touro Medical Honors Pathway for graduating high school seniors

        Lander College for Men/ Beis Medrash L Talmud

        Lander College of Arts & Sciences in Flatbush

        Lander College for Women/ The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School

Nova Southeastern University

       Dual Admission Allopathic Medicine Program

Rowan University Cooper Medical School

    7/8 year MD Program: Special Pathways & Articulations

Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School

    7-year BA/MD program with 8 institutions

    8-year BA/MD program with the School of Arts and Science, Newark

Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

    8-year BA/MD program with Rutgers University of New Jersey

    8-year ACCESS-MED Pipeline Program for minority students

Sidney Kimmel Medical College College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University

    6/7 year joint accelerated program with Pennsylvania State University

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center

    8-year BA-MD program with Brooklyn College

Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

    8-year Scholars in Medicine Program

Temple University School of Medicine

    8-year Medical Scholars Program at Washington & Jefferson College

    8-year BA/MD Pre-Med Health Scholar Program for Temple University undergrad.

Texas A & M University System Health Science Center College of Medicine

    8-year Partnership for Primary Care Program for Texas residents from underserved areas.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences School of Medicine

    8-year BA/MD program for Texas residents only

University of Alabama School of Medicine

    8 year Early Medical School Acceptance Program

University of South Alabama School of Medicine

     8-year College of Medicine Early Acceptance Program (EAP)

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

     High School Dual Admission Program

University of Connecticut School of Medicine

    8-year Combined Program in Medicine Connecticut residents preferred

University of Colorado Denver

   8 year BA/BS-MD program

University of Illinois at Chicago School of Medicine

    Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions for Illinois residents

University of Louisville School of Medicine

    GEMS Program Guaranteed Entrance to Medical School for Kentucky Residents who attend a Kentucky high school.

University of Minnesota

    BA/MD Joint Admissions Scholars Program - Minnesota residents enrolled at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities - by invitation only

University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine

    6-year accelerated program Missouri and surrounding area residents preferred

University of Nevada School of Medicine

    7-year BS-MD Accelerated Early Admission Program for Nevada residents

University of New Mexico School of Medicine

    8 year Combined BA/MD Degree Program for New Mexico High School Senior Students

University of Oklahoma

    7/8 year Medical Humanities Program

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

   8-year Guaranteed Admissions Program

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    8 year Rochester Early Medical Scholars

University of South Florida College of Medicine

    7-year combined BA/MD Program

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

   Vaqueros MD Early Assurance Program South Texas residents only.

University of Toledo School of Medicine

    8-year BACC2MD program with UT College of Engineering and other colleges

Virginia Commonwealth University

     Guaranteed Admission Program

Wayne State University School of Medicine

    8-year Medstart Program

Dr. Rubin's BA(BS)/MD Direct Programs List
Apply from College (Freshman, Sophomore or Junior)

Please email DrRubin@MiniMedicalSchool.com if you know of a program not included on this list or if you find a bad link.

Boston University School of Medicine

      8 year Medical Integrated Curriculum for BU sophomore students

Brown University Warren Alpert School of Medicine

     8 year Program with University of Rhode Island for Rhode Island residents (freshman or sophomore)

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

     8 year early selection program as a college sophomore

Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) for Disadvantaged Texas Residents

    Only for Texas Residents and specific Texas Schools- apply anytime after HS graduation

Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago

    8-year Early Assurance Program for Loyola sophomores only

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

    FlexMed Program for Fall of sophomore year– at US or Canadian 4 year college

Northeastern Ohio Medical University

   8 year early assurance program with several Ohio schools for sophomore students enrolled participating Ohio undergrad school.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

  8-year Pre Medical Scholar Program only for NU students who have completed 2 years of courses.

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Chicago Medical School

    Accelerated Degree Option at De Paul University for De Paul students

Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School

   7/8 year articulated program with Rutgers University sophomore students only

St. Louis University School of Medicine

    8 year Medical Scholar Program allows sophomores in program to apply early

Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University

     8 year Medical Scholar Program with University of Delaware freshman only

State University of New York Upstate Medical School

    Upstate Accelerated Scholar Program linked to specific colleges.

    Apply as a: College Freshman OR College Sophomore

Tufts University School of Medicine

    8-year Early Assurance Program for sophomore students from Tufts and other regional colleges

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

    Joint Degree Program Accelerated Medical Scholar – apply as a junior, enter medical school the following year creating a 7 year program.

University of Florida College of Medicine

    7-year Junior Honors Medical Program for college sophomores.

University of Miami School of Medicine

    7/8 year Medical Scholar Program for University of Miami sophomores only

University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine

    8-year MD Scholar Program college sophomores and juniors from specific linked schools

University of Toledo School of Medicine

    8 year MedStart Program - apply during your junior year.

Virginia Commonwealth University

     Preferred applicant track program for sophomores who entered the school as freshman.

Please contact Dr. Rubin at RubinMiniMedicalSchool@gmail.com if you know of any missing program.